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Armchairs - Eye on Design


Sessel für das Wohnzimmer

Sind Sie dabei, ein neues Wohnzimmer zu dekorieren oder möchten Sie ihm einen anderen Charakter verleihen und das Interieur auffrischen? Wir empfehlen Ihnen, einen Blick auf unser breites Produktsortiment zu werfen, das bequeme und Designer-Sessel umfasst. Wir möchten, dass unsere Kunden eine große Auswahl an attraktiven Artikeln haben, die Möbel problemlos an ihre Wohnzimmereinrichtung anpassen können und ihre Träume durch Einkäufe wahr werden lassen, die perfekt zu ihrem Geschmack passen. Moderne Loungesessel sind eine hervorragende und sehr einfache Lösung, wenn Sie den Raum verändern und dem Innenraum ein unverwechselbares und avantgardistisches Finish verleihen möchten. Die von uns angebotenen Modelle werden selbst Menschen mit dem anspruchsvollsten Geschmack begeistern. Sessel für das Wohnzimmer sind eine funktionale Ergänzung, die Ihre Gäste begeistern wird.

Designer-Sessel für das Wohnzimmer

Wenn Sie sich für einen eklektischen Sessel interessieren, dessen Design verschiedene Stile zu einem zusammenhängenden Ganzen verbindet, der zudem bequem ist und für eine bequeme Ruhe sorgt, sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Der Loungesessel ist in verschiedenen attraktiven Farben erhältlich, die Aufmerksamkeit erregen und den neuesten Trends entsprechen. Knackige Marineblau-, Grün- und Rottöne, trendige Senf- oder Lilatöne. Traditionelle Beige-, Khaki- und Grautöne – all das finden Sie in unserem Angebot. Zusätzlich zu den faszinierenden Farben haben Designersessel oft ungewöhnliche Formen, die eine interessante Ergänzung für das Wohnzimmer , Schlafzimmer oder Arbeitszimmer darstellen.

Bequemer Sessel im modernen, skandinavischen oder Boho-Stil – für welchen entscheiden Sie sich?

Neben klassischen Modellen auf vier Beinen bieten wir unseren Kunden auch andere Lösungen, wie zum Beispiel elegante Dreh- oder Hängesessel , perfekt passend zum Boho-Stil und stimmungsvollen Ecken. Wer Schlichtheit und Natürlichkeit schätzt, dem empfehlen wir Rattansessel . Mit uns können Sie ganz einfach Ihr Wohnzimmer dekorieren und einen Traumraum schaffen, in den Sie gerne zurückkehren werden.

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LIPSTICKS armchair pink - Eye on DesignLIPSTICKS armchair pink - Eye on Design
LIPSTICKS Sessel rosa Angebot€1.279 Regulärer Preis€1.489
Armchair WHERE THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE camouflage, Bold Monkey, Eye on DesignArmchair WHERE THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE camouflage, Bold Monkey, Eye on Design
Bold Monkey
Sessel WO DIE SONNE NICHT SCHEINT Tarnung Angebot€889 Regulärer Preis€1.279
FLOWER lounge armchair orange, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignFLOWER lounge armchair orange, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
MONZA swivel armchair beige - Eye on DesignMONZA swivel armchair beige - Eye on Design
SPIKE armchair pink with rattan backrest, Zuiver, Eye on DesignSPIKE armchair pink with rattan backrest, Zuiver, Eye on Design
PARMA swivel armchair sand - Eye on DesignPARMA swivel armchair sand - Eye on Design
TRUMPETS armchair black - Eye on DesignTRUMPETS armchair black - Eye on Design
TRUMPETS Sessel schwarz Angebot€1.279 Regulärer Preis€1.489
HUXLEY beige armchair - Eye on DesignHUXLEY beige armchair - Eye on Design
SASSARI swivel armchair black - Eye on DesignSASSARI swivel armchair black - Eye on Design
MADISON armchair brown, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignMADISON armchair brown, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
TERNI armchair light beige - Eye on DesignTERNI armchair light beige - Eye on Design
CATANIA swivel armchair beige - Eye on DesignCATANIA swivel armchair beige - Eye on Design
TONGUE armchair black - Eye on DesignTONGUE armchair black - Eye on Design
TONGUE Sessel schwarz Angebot€1.279 Regulärer Preis€1.489
The perfect size for cozy salons or as a stylish addition to larger rooms, this armchair is versatile. The brave Monkey Don't Love Me seat may not love you, but you will definitely fall in love with it. Don't say we didn't warn you.The perfect size for cozy salons or as a stylish addition to larger rooms, this armchair is versatile. The brave Monkey Don't Love Me seat may not love you, but you will definitely fall in love with it. Don't say we didn't warn you.
Bold Monkey
DON'T LOVE ME Sessel dunkelgrün Angebot€1.019 Regulärer Preis€1.039
PLUM 3 armchair green with pink roller, Happy Barok, Eye on DesignPLUM 3 armchair green with pink roller, Happy Barok, Eye on Design
Happy Barok
PLUM 3 Sessel grün mit rosafarbener Rolle Angebot€499 Regulärer Preis€629
Be guided by the retro style from vintage salons thanks to the chair for the Bold Monkey Fringe Me Up salon in the color of old pink. In a real style Bold Monkey, this is an element that requires attention, but tastefully.Be guided by the retro style from vintage salons thanks to the chair for the Bold Monkey Fringe Me Up salon in the color of old pink. In a real style Bold Monkey, this is an element that requires attention, but tastefully.
BEE armchair black and pink, Happy Barok, Eye on DesignBEE armchair black and pink, Happy Barok, Eye on Design
Happy Barok
BEE Sessel schwarz und rosa Angebot€419 Regulärer Preis€539
Armchair REVOLVER red - Eye on DesignArmchair REVOLVER red - Eye on Design
Sessel REVOLVER rot Angebot€1.279 Regulärer Preis€1.489
MEMBER armchair brown, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignMEMBER armchair brown, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
Kylie is a unique combination of convenience with an exclusive look in the glamor style. Two velor pillows increase the comfort of the chair to the highest level. The base from brushed golden steel gives Kylie modern design, which will fit well into the latest trends.Kylie is a unique combination of convenience with an exclusive look in the glamor style. Two velor pillows increase the comfort of the chair to the highest level. The base from brushed golden steel gives Kylie modern design, which will fit well into the latest trends.
TRENTO swivel armchair sand - Eye on DesignTRENTO swivel armchair sand - Eye on Design
HONEY armchair red - Eye on DesignHONEY armchair red - Eye on Design
HONEY Sessel rot Angebot€1.279 Regulärer Preis€1.489
Feston is an armchair for special tasks. It can be used as a chair in a modern dining room or as an armchair for customers in a classic office. Its multitasking is possible thanks to the extraordinary ease of cleaning, by using PU skin fabric. The elegance of this furniture is emphasized by black legs painted in black. The armchair can appear in any room, regardless of the type of floor. Plastic caps have been used on the feet of the legs that prevent the surface of the surface.FESTON lounge armchair brown, Zuiver, Eye on Design
FESTON Loungesessel braun Angebot€839 Regulärer Preis€849
MONZA swivel armchair white boucle - Eye on DesignMONZA swivel armchair white boucle - Eye on Design
This velvet armchair for the living room exudes the atmosphere of the Parisian Buduar in the retro style. But this is not only style and content, because the Bold Monkey Sassy Granny chair is also a functional element of decor. The armchair itself is mounted on a rotating base and equipped with a removable pillow - both of these things provide an additional layer of comfort.This velvet armchair for the living room exudes the atmosphere of the Parisian Buduar in the retro style. But this is not only style and content, because the Bold Monkey Sassy Granny chair is also a functional element of decor. The armchair itself is mounted on a rotating base and equipped with a removable pillow - both of these things provide an additional layer of comfort.
Lounge chair SO CURVEY dark green, Bold Monkey, Eye on DesignSeating armchair with personality. Rich, velvety upholstery, impeccable rounding and textured backrest: Bold Monkey So Curvy holiday armchair should not sit quietly in the corner. It is an armchair that attracts attention. Thin, slender brass legs balance the excessive shape of the chair, embedding it in tasteful design. Alone or as a pair, the Bold Monkey So Curvy armchair is a visual reference point for each living room space.
HOUDA armchair caramel, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignHOUDA armchair caramel, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
LIPSTICKS armchair black - Eye on DesignLIPSTICKS armchair black - Eye on Design
LIPSTICKS Sessel schwarz Angebot€1.279 Regulärer Preis€1.489
WALDO lounge armchair anthracite, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignWALDO lounge armchair anthracite, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
MEDALLION armchair with table black with orange, Happy Barok, Eye on DesignMEDALLION armchair with table black with orange, Happy Barok, Eye on Design
Happy Barok
MEDALLION-Sessel mit Tisch schwarz mit Orange Angebot€489 Regulärer Preis€619
Fotel Lazy Sack to miejsce, które będziesz chciał mieć tylko dla siebie! Duże wygodne poduszki wykonane ze skóry PU, drewniane bukowe nogi malowane metodą proszkową na czarno utrzymują ten mebel w stylu vintage.  Stanie się on ulubionym meblem w salonie, dzięki niesamowitej miękkości wypełnienia. Jest to idealne krzesło, w którym można się zatopić po ciężkim dniu. Chwila relaksu w biurze może się też kojarzyć właśnie z tym fotelem! Każdy usłyszy jego ciche wołanie "usiądź na mnie!".
AMARON armchair grey, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignAMARON armchair grey, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
MOTHER OF ALL SHELLS TEDDY armchair light beige, Bold Monkey, Eye on DesignWherever you put it, the Bold Monkey Mother of All Shells chair catches your attention. Upholstered in a rich natural texture in a plush color, the elegant style of the 70s is finished with gold-covered gold base.
SHIT armchair yellow - Eye on DesignSHIT armchair yellow - Eye on Design
SHIT Sessel gelb Angebot€1.279 Regulärer Preis€1.489
DOULTON LOUNGE armchair brown, Zuiver, Eye on DesignDOULTON LOUNGE armchair brown, Zuiver, Eye on Design
A velor, rotary armchair with quilted upholstery in the glamor style. Jamie undoubtedly fits into the top of the latest trends. The buttons at the back of the chair create a beautiful pattern that gives it a unique character. This unusual armchair, with a base in gold, ideally suited to the living room and bedroom.A velor, rotary armchair with quilted upholstery in the glamor style. Jamie undoubtedly fits into the top of the latest trends. The buttons at the back of the chair create a beautiful pattern that gives it a unique character. This unusual armchair, with a base in gold, ideally suited to the living room and bedroom.
BUBBA armchair beige, Zuiver, Eye on DesignBUBBA armchair beige, Zuiver, Eye on Design
Armchair MR. T beige, Happy Barok, Eye on DesignArmchair MR. T beige, Happy Barok, Eye on Design
Happy Barok
Sessel HERR. T-Beige Angebot€459 Regulärer Preis€559
Do you remember this rotary armchair that you couldn't rotate in your childhood? The Zuiver Nikki armchair is a piece of furniture that will help in the realization of these children's dreams. It will be complemented by a modern living room, a classic style office and a vintage dressing room in the bedroom. High -quality PU leather ensures ease of cleaning and the convenience of top -shelf filming. The unobtrusive metal legs will not overwhelm any room. Don't worry, they provide decent stabilization!NIKKI brown lounge armchair - Eye on Design
TORRANCE armchair beige, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignTORRANCE armchair beige, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
TORRANCE Sessel beige Angebot€559 Regulärer Preis€569
SNAKES armchair black - Eye on DesignSNAKES armchair black - Eye on Design
SNAKES Sessel schwarz Angebot€1.279 Regulärer Preis€1.489
LANDA armchair, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignLANDA armchair, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
LANDA-Sessel Angebot€739
PLUM 2 armchair, gold, Happy Barok, Eye on DesignPLUM 2 armchair, gold, Happy Barok, Eye on Design
Happy Barok
PLUM 2 Sessel, Gold Angebot€449 Regulärer Preis€549
The unusual angular armchair with the charming name Uncle Jesse, will put every guest into delight and reflection. Its shape is a perfect contrast with its softness and convenience, which is an ideal place for evening rest.UNCLE JESSE lounge chair grey, Zuiver, Eye on Design
KATE lounge armchair pink - Eye on DesignKATE lounge armchair pink - Eye on Design
BAR armchair golden brown, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignBAR armchair golden brown, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
BAR-Sessel goldbraun Angebot€939 Regulärer Preis€989
GLODIS armchair black, Dutchbone, Eye on DesignGLODIS armchair black, Dutchbone, Eye on Design
Swivel chair NO 1 DE STIJL, Happy Barok, Eye on DesignSwivel chair NO 1 DE STIJL, Happy Barok, Eye on Design
Happy Barok
Drehstuhl NO 1 DE STIJL Angebot€519 Regulärer Preis€639